Lending a Hand
We’re inviting you to get involved. Camp only works when we are connected and work together. There are many important ways you can help. Many hands make quick work. Or at least quicker...
Contribute to our Campership Fund
You can make a donation to Friends of Camp Roosevelt Firebird (FCRF), a registered 501(c)(3) non profit. Please help FCRF make a camping experience possible for more children. Learn more about FCRF here.

Refer Campers
There are many ways to do this. Talk to your friends and family. Host an an event at your home. Join our Camp Ambassador Program. We will explain the options, and give you the tools to make this easy. Email joe@camprooseveltfirebird.com to learn all about it.
Current Activities
Here is what's coming up:
- 4/28/2108 - Open House at camp! 10 AM to 5 PM
- TBD - Spring Work Weekend
Join the Alumni Association
- The alumni are active and organizing! Email Kari Barkin Marks kari@camprooseveltfirebird.com to learn more.
- Click here to sign up for the Camp Roosevelt Firebird Alumni Newsletter and receive regular updates about camp events.

Donate Equipment
There is always a need. If you have something you think might be useful around camp let us know. Odds are we can use it. See our current wish list for ideas.