Alumni News and Activities

Our alumni are a vibrant and valued part of the Camp Roosevelt Firebird family. Check out the latest newsletter and exciting opportunities for our alumni.
Alumni Newsletter
Sign up to receive our Alumni Newsletter
Read the latest edition of our alumni newsletter “Camp Reunion This Sunday!”.
Learn how to get involved, what's up with old friends and the details about camp.
Friends of Camp Roosevelt Firebird 501(c)(3) Campership Fund
We passionately believe that all kids should have the opportunity to attend camp. Through the Friends of Camp Roosevelt Firebird nonprofit organization we're trying to make that possible. Every week, excited parents wanting the best for their kids inquire about our camp. Sadly, many of these parents realize that they simply can't afford the entire cost and their hopes are dashed.
You Can Help
Making a donation can help us make a difference. Learn how you can help Friends of Camp Roosevelt Firebird. We invite you to make a donation. Every little bit counts. Help us share the gift of camp with a child. Camp is for all kids. We deeply appreciate your generosity. Donate online here.
Or, you can write a check to: Friends of Camp Roosevelt Firebird * Mail to: 23800 Commerce Park Suite L * Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Camp Gear for Sale
Contact the camp office to order a t-shirt or hoodie. Available in blue and red.
Camp Open House * April 28, 2018 * 10 am to 5 pm